A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of your eye. It is like seeing through a frosty or frogged –up femme-fontaine-sexy.com window. Cataracts can lead to difficulty in reading, driving a car (especially at night), etc. in most cases, cataracts develop slowly and do not disturb your eyesight at first but, with time, it ends up interfering with the eye vision.

At its early stage, stronger lighting and eyeglasses can help you deal with it, but if impaired vision interferes with your usual activities, you might need surgery. The cloudiness in your vision caused by a cataract, in its early stage, may affect only a small part your eye’s lens and you may not notice any loss in your vision. But as the cataract grows larger, the cloud starts to occupy more area of your lens and distorts the light passing through the lens.
The symptoms of cataract include:
- Blurred or dim vision – people think that blurring of vision is a part of the aging process and there is no need for cataract surgery. But it is advisable that as soon as you experience the blurring in the vision, you should consult your eye specialist. If left untreated, it may lead to loss of vision.
- Sensitivity to light – your eyes may react sensitively if there is more/ less light or you may also need a brighter light for usual activities, in some cases.
- Double vision in a single eye – most of the people ignore this sign as they think it is a sign aging too.
Being diagnosed with a cataract need not be alarming. In fact, when you understand what a cataract is, how it will be removed, and the priceless rewards that cataract surgery can bring, you’ll likely wish you’d had the procedure sooner. With successful cataract treatment, your vision will be clearer, brighter and sharper than it’s been for a long time.
Cataract surgery is one of the most successful and safest procedures performed today. Great advances have been made in cataract surgery. For patients, it is a simple operation. A tiny incision is made in the eye. Through this incision, the surgeon inserts an instrument about the size of a pen tip. The surgeon may elect to use either a traditional ultrasound or torsional ultrasound instrument that breaks up and gently remove your cloudy lens. Once the cloudy lens has been removed, the next step is to replace it. That is, to implant an artificial lens that will do the work of your own lens and this artificial lens is referred to as an Intraocular lens or IOL.
After this is done, you have your original and super clear vision back.